Sunday, October 5, 2008

Item 3: Shedding Light on Cheaper Solar Energy

There are several reasons for shedding light on solar energy. Firstly, solar energy is renewable. Renewable resources are needed to solve the worls's most pressing problems nowadays, for example, the shortage of sources of energy. Secondly, solar energy is affordable. If solar energy is widely used, people in poor countries will not be worried about the power supply problem. Thirdly, affordable and renewable energy sources would contribute greatly to meeting increasing demands for energy, without which sustainable development aims cannot be met.
However, technologies in this field are still limited. Even renewable resources have their drawbacks. Scientists are trying to find economical methods to make solar energy commonly reachable. Recently, a project undertaken by a team of physicists, chemists, material scientists and engineers at Sheffield Hallam University has given a new boost to the economic feasibility of solar energy. The research has shown how to reduce the cost of generating solar electricity. Now this team has come up with some cost cutting ideas. It is a production method called electrodeposition. This method allow each cell produce more power to arise the efficiency. Scientists have already applied for two patents and are trying to increase conversion efficiencies to over 20% in the near future.
In addition, the research intiative has received supporting money to realize the next generation of technological change. Energy supplies will be more widely available without the drawback of environmental damage in the fiture.
Townsend Hall, B.(n.d.). Shedding Light on Cheaper Solar Energy. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from